Laser optical components

SINOPTIX  offers specific optical components, lenses, windows and mirrors solutions for laser applications. Please browse below details of our available optics and some examples of our realizations.

Specificity of laser optical components

There are 3 main areas where laser optical components may differs to other optical components :

  • Power: lasers may have high power, which means optics dealing with laser may be required to sustain high energy.
  • Spectral bandwidth: most laser are emitting on a specific wavelength, so optical coatings can be customized on a very short bandwidth.
  • Spacial concentration: due to coherence of laser signal, laser beams have a limited diameter which enables optical components to be very small or to have reduced effective areas.

Laser optical components references :

Key laser optical components

Laser mirrors

Used for optical resonators inside laser core, for conducting light or focusing light with less loss that transmission optics and better resistance to high power damages. They are also widely used as a scanning mean as small mechanical rotation can easily be controlled.


Laser optical lenses help to focus, expand or shape the laser beam.

Beam splitters

They are used to divide the incident beam into several output beams, it is very useful for experiments or measuring equipment for creating reference beams or several synchronized signals.


Mainly used for redirect laser beams and impact beam polarisation.

Neutral density filters

Used to lower intensity of a signal, avoiding high energy to impact peoples or sensors.

Optical filters and waveplates

Works on the characteristics of the laser beam, reducing it’s spectrum or influencing it’s polarisation.

Further information on laser optics :


Laser Induced Damage Threshold refers to the amount of energy that optical components can withstand without getting damaged. Please refer to our article on laser optics to learn more about it.

Crystals for lasers

Linear and non-linear crystals are key elements used in laser pumping systems and will define the basic characteristics of lasers like wavelength and polarisation.

How to buy optical components for lasers?

In order to get the requested quality and the best quotation it is important to provide detailed specifications, provide technical drawing and confirm needed quantities.

With all these information, SINOPTIX will be able to quickly provide you with a very competitive quote.