CaF2 optical components

SINOPTIX supplies various optical components made of optical grade calcium fluoride. CaF2 is often used as a UV optical component due to its good transmission at lower wavelengths. Nonetheless it is transparent up to NIR spectrum and therefore can be used as a substrate in broad application fields.

CaF2 characteristics

Calcium Fluoride properties chart

Material denomination Calcium Fluoride
Chemical formula CaF2
Refractive index nd=1.43384
Abbe Number Vd = 95.23
Transmission range 130nm to 9.5µm
Density 3.18 g/cm3
Hardness MOHS 4
Young’s modulus 146 GPa <100>

101 GPa <110>

91 GPa <111>

Thermal expansion 20.8*10-6 °K-1
Thermal conductivity 9.7 W/(m*°K)
Melting point 1420 °K

These values are for generic CaF2, there are different grades of CaF2 optimized for Excimer lasers (193nm or 248nm) with optimized specifications.


+ CaF2 may degrades in high humidity environment
+ Attention should be taken to avoid rapid change of temperatures as it may cause cracks on the material

CaF2 optical components capabilities

Manufacturing capabilities

Properties Values
Available dimensions Diameter up to D320mm
Dimensional tolerances +/-0.01mm
Thickness 1-50mm
Surface quality S&D : 20/10 normal quality; 10/5 for high quality
Available orientations <111>/<001>; <100> in limited dimensions
Flatness 1/10 lambda at best
Parallelism better than 10″
Coatings AR / BBAR

CaF2 components references :

Available Calcium fluoride components

We can propose below kinds of optical components :

Calcium fluoride has a naturally high LIDT which is a big advantage for UV and IR lasers applications. But in order not to downgrade this laser damage resistance quality of the optics is very important both on surface quality and material purity.

It is important to mention us the application of your CaF2 optics as different applications may needs different grade quality.