MgF2 optical components

SINOPTIX supplies various optical components made of optical grade magnesium fluoride. MgF2 is a crystal material with excellent optical and mechanical properties. It is often used in high power UV lasers optical systems.

Magnesium Fluoride characteristics

MgF2 properties chart

Material denomination Magnesium Fluoride
Chemical formula MgF2
Refractive index

(birefringent material)

@200nm no=1.423 ne=1.437

@640nm no=1.377 ne=1.389

@ 3µm no=1.36 ne=1.371

Transmission range 130nm to 8µm
Density 3.148 g/cm3
Hardness 415 Knoop (MOHS 6)
Young’s modulus 138.5 GPa
Thermal expansion 13.7*10-6 °K-1 on C-axis

8.9°*10-6 °K-1 perpendicular to C axis

Thermal conductivity 21 W/(m*°K)
Melting point 1255 °C

MgF2 is harder than CaF2 and therefore a more resistant material to harsh working conditions.

Please visit our complete guide on UV optics.


+ MgF2 is a birefringent material, meaning that its refractive index is dependant of the polarization of the light.

MgF2 optical components manufacturing capabilities

Manufacturing capabilities

Properties Values
Available dimensions up to D160mm
Dimensional tolerances +/-0.01mm
Thickness 1-50mm
Surface quality S&D : 20/10 normal quality; 10/5 high quality
Orientation <111>,<110> or <100>
Parallelism better than 10″
Coatings AR / BBAR

MgF2 components references :

Available MgF2 components

We can propose below kinds of optical components :

  • MgF2 windows
  • MgF2 lenses
  • MgF2 prisms
  • MgF2 wafers

Different grades of material may be offered, please specify your application when requesting a quote.