TPX window for terahertz

TPX window for Thz optics

Optical window made of Polymethyl pentene (PMP)

Material : TPX  / Polymethyl pentene (PMP)  is a polymer used in optics for its good transmission properties from UV (250nm) to THz. TPX/PMP has also a very low density (0.833 g/cm3), a low refractive index of 1.462 and good heat and chemical resistance.

Manufacturing process : mechanical cutting and polishing of optical windows. TPX/PMP like other optical plastics can also be injected.

Dimensions:  Diameter 31.75mm, thickness 2mm, tolerance +/- 0.2mm

Shape : round flat window

Aspect : 60/40, both surface polished

Optical treatment : none

Usage : Terahertz optical applications, Thz lasers

Packaging : individual package, protected in optical paper

Learn more about plastic optics and review our guide on TPX optics.

Learn more about THz materials.